Remember the Ebbinghaus research, like a good friend that’s always there to remind us how information leaks out of people’s heads after just a few hours. Want to test that idea for yourself? Ask a few salespeople to give you a rundown of the key points from this past year’s kick-off. How many actually remember what the planning committee obsessed last fall?
Truthfully, what most remember was how much fun they had at the bar. This year, consider adding a line item to your kick-off planning conversations. Isolate the need-to-know kick-off content from the extras. Then, discussion with the team how you will reinforce these critical items after the event. Think in terms of 30, 60, 90 days – what do we want people to keep top of mind and what do we want them to do differently.
Bottom line: Find intentional, yet low effort ways to keep your priority kick-off content in the forefront.